Eight years ago today I married the coolest guy in the world. Eight years married sounds so old and stuffy! For us, it’s as natural as breathing. He is my rock, my playmate, my partner in crime, and my love. Even after 14 years together, we still make each other laugh.
Marriage is never all roses and butterflies, but it really is a wonderful gift when you are with the person you are meant to be with. We’ve weathered quite a bit over the past eight years, but we’re still madly in love and committed to the promise we made each other June 9, 2001.
I dug through some of my old photos and pulled out some of our happiest memories together:
One of the first photos I can find of us

1996 or 1997
Napping on my parents porch in Arkansas. One of those warm late winter days when you can feel spring right around the corner.

1996 and 1997
Fayetteville Christian School. These pictures are happy memories because we were getting out of a crazy, crazy place.
Vernazza, Italy
And yes, we were traveling with a professional photographer!
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