I went to walk the dogs late last night and felt for the first time in months, a chill. Crisp air along with a very well lit moon above made for the all too perfect scenario. In Southern California, we’ve been through some major heat waves, and to actually feel a little cold, was an exciting sensation. I grew up on the east coast, where seasonal changes with the holidays were natural. California on the other hand, has us very spoiled. We forget how to drive in the rain, and cancel appointments when it’s too hot. More so when we are set to meet up near the beach. Hello, Santa Monica traffic!!!
This is a time, for most of us to begin to slow down, to take some time to cozy up and to warm fabrics, even warmer drinks, and of course a loved one. A cuddly pup will do the trick even!
With this transition also comes changes in colors and textures. Time for peacoats and boots. With that said, if you are stumped on design ideas for your autumn wedding, take a look at these photos for some inspiration. A warm color palatte can be a great theme for your wedding. Don’t forget the candles, a fireplace, and some heating lamps if you are outdoors.
Oh and some pumkin pie wont hurt 😉
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