

Random Wine Blog: Jealousy, Roombas, Treadmills, and Dress Movies

March 12, 2010

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Tonight’s wine blog is brought to you by a 200? Blackstone Merlot. I’m too lazy to get off the couch to check and see what year it is. I’m also so lazy I just remotely logged into my desktop in the next room to get some info off of it in order to avoid getting up and walking in there. I was saving a bottle of pink champagne that my associate Krista gave me for my birthday for my next wine blog, but last Saturday my husband made a spectacular breakfast and talked me into mimosas. (not so hard to do). So there went that plan. Mimosa Saturday was much more enjoyable for me than this wine blog though, so I’m not really complaining. I’ll dedicate this blog to Krista anyway. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, this Blackstone Merlot is $12.99 of solid goodness. No flowery words, just good.

Ok, on to randomness!

  • You know how in my last random wine blog I talked about how I wish life was a musical? Yeah, I guess I get it from my mom. Mom is a hospice nurse (and has a special spot in heaven for this gig) and told me after that blog that she is starring in “Hospice! The Musical!” a musical that she and a nurse friend of hers make up and sing on the fly. Mom has also been known to Irish Step Dance for her patients. She, is a total rockstar. Or crazy.
  • My husband, who doesn’t facebook, tweet, rarely email, sent me an email (ok, he cc’d his band too) from Bangkok this morning. Yup, he’s in Thailand. And I’m totally jealous even though I’m leaving for Paris on Monday. We went to Thailand in 2004 and absolutely loved it. This is just a pit stop before he heads to Laos, but I was really jealous when he was talking about his ride around Bangkok in a tuk tuk and in a longtail boat in the canals.
  • I’m going to Paris on Monday! My husband is in SE Asia because I’m going on a girl’s trip with my sister. When you know us, it’s not really that odd that we sometimes travel separately. Really. 
  • I think it would be difficult to be the band Ok Go because you’d have to try to top the The Treadmill video however, I think they just did. this new one. Also cool is another video for the same song This Too Shall Pass. Ok Go, I love you.
  • My netflix queue while my husband is out of town? “Miss Austin’s Regrets” and “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day”. Anything that has to do with Jane Austen or pretty dresses has me immediately.
  • A few weeks ago I was tweeting about how much I wanted a Roomba and one of my awesome photographer friends gave me her old one. I. LOVE. IT. So does my husband. And Owen the cat. Milton the cat is terrified of it. We named this cylon Boomer and think she is going to take over the world soon, but as long as she continues to clean our carpets until then, it’s all good. 
  • When is “Glee!” coming back?
  • Chronicles of Nathan update: my older brother who is living on the sailboat that he sailed from Arkansas to the Gulf of Mexico has been repairing his boat after a close call in a storm and is now setting sail towards Pensacola, FL. We continue to pray for him. 
  • I need to watch “The Office” and “Community” now.  Thankfully, I don’t have to leave the couch.

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